Vegan Running Fuel

I am currently in the midst of training for my second half marathon, completely vegan, and I am taking a very different approach to fueling my body.  I used to be focused on eating protein, protein, protein, as that is all anyone tells you when you go vegan:  “are you getting enough protein?”  I was obsessive as I believed that this was the only way to compete successfully in running.

I now am focusing simply on one thing:  massive amounts of powering foods.  Switching romaine to spinach in my salads, sneaking tofu into wraps and faux egg scrambles, and packing down the PB&J’s.  I should also mention that I am training harder for this race than I have for any in the past.  Whereas in the past I focused my energy on just increasing my mileage, I now spend just as much energy in my speed and tempo workouts as I did elsewhere.  I have also begun to incorporate working out – like lifting weights – into my routine.  There is nothing I hate more than the act of picking things up and putting them right back down, but I am determined to gain muscle from this experience.

Oh, and I’ve also become a serious snacker.  I usually nosh on fruit and veggies like carrots and grapes as these are my favorites, but I find myself switching to nuts (almonds, peanuts, pistachios) and granola in order to be fully ready for my runs.

One thing that I did absolutely correct the first time around racing was drinking a ridiculous amount of water.  I’m continuing this pattern and I find myself running along happily and without issue.  Above all listen to your body as your running and adjust your eating habits accordingly.  Almost all of my running qualms were fixed with more water, but for others I know eating more has helped as well.

Happy running!
